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Tessa Fowler In Sexy Lingerie

Tessa Fowler in sexy lingerie, then slipping off her bra for some big natural boobs topless action …
Naturally busty Tessa Fowler with big boobs hanging down as she slips off bra

4 thoughts on “Tessa Fowler In Sexy Lingerie”

  1. Nice lot of cleavage Tessa but there would be more cleavage and more boob power with a few cup sizes bigger. The boobs become fuller and more desirable as sex objects. Big boobs, as the grow big can not be missed and become they are the aiming spot for the male eye and the male may see them just as attractive as female genitals and he wants to put his cock in the get himself off. Males can’t do that with a C or a D cup so them like them big and bigger. There are three positions with the model on her back but that is not really efficient although popular, as the boobs have to held together by the woman or the man to slide in and out. The excitment for the woman is mainly psychological as she sees the head of the cock emerging and then disappearing in her cleavage with hardly any nerve endings in her white breast flesh. Tit fucking is mainly for the man to get excited. One way to hold the boobs togethe around the cock is for the man to cross over his hands, so the right hand holds the left areole/nippke and the left hand hold the right areola/nipple. Then that crossover guarantees the breasts are wrapped around the cock and the man can get great drive right up to the chin or higher..
    Another way is just as in the photo with the woman sitting and she then wraps her boobs around the cock with her hands. And she becomes the mover and shaker and moves her boobs up and down the cock.
    The third way is for long timers in the man lies on his back and the woman hang sher boobs over his cock. He then pushes up with his hips and no hands are used. All it is in gravity of the boobs. This may take a long time as there is more space between cock and boobs, But because it takes longer the ejection is more explosive. The action alco activates the nipples

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